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The following is from Calvin Miller’s The Table of Inwardness, pp 97-98.  It speaks entirely for itself!!

“J. B. Phillips, in his well-known book, grieved that our God is too small. If this is true, it is because we give him only the religious space in our lives. As we allow God to be in charge of more of our world, then I believe our understanding of his immensity will grow. But growth can be painful. In some ways I found it easy to be a fundamentalist in Oklahoma in 1950. Now pat answers and rigid categories do not satisfy the hun­gers of my heart. I was more certain of everything when I first knew Christ. I had read so little and had lived such a short time I had neither books nor experience to blunt a clear under­standing of my unstudied world. In widening all I knew of the world I found answers coming slower and my assessment of people and their beliefs and relationships harder to define. But the growing made me less of a know-it-all and more prone to listen to questions, even when I had no certain answers.

“The marvelous Christ pervades the entire world of thought and study. We have nothing to fear therefore by growing in many directions at once. In fact, the more we know of psychol­ogy or literature or mathematics or philosophy, the wider our perception of God becomes.

“No one pays more for their faith than Christians with grow­ing minds. When we place expanding information against the truth of the gospel, we beg for more light. God literally crowds all good books. He inhabits the theater and the laboratory. He is alive in every conversation between those whom he has created. God’s glorious, all-pervading self awakens us to his immensity. We may celebrate him wherever we are. He is all about us: the very wallboard of our offices. He is the floor and ceiling, ground and sky. He is below the floor, above the ceil­ing and beyond the wall. Wherever we walk, we push against him, and yet do not for he swims through us, blessing this his glorious inwardness-outwardness-upwardness-downward­ness.  Then where shall we go to escape him? It cannot be done.

O LORD, thou hast searched me and known me!

Thou knowest when I sit down and when I rise up; thou discernest my thoughts from afar.

Thou searchest out my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways. …

Whither shall I go from thy Spirit?

Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

If I ascend to heaven, thou art there!

If I make my bed in Sheol, thou art there!

If I take the wings of the morning

and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,

even there thy hand shall lead me,

and thy right hand shall hold me. (Ps 139:1-3, 7-10)

“Since he is always with us, let us open the fissures of our being and joyously admit him. Then we will find him leading us, following us, soaring over us and sitting in quietude to hear us, even as he waits on the throne to hear our coming.

“Our communion with Christ is measured in two ways: we are ever in him, yet always coming to him. We walk in his wide­ness, yet we seek him at the table, knowing that his table pres­ence cannot ever be contained in such a little space. The danger of emphasizing only the table is that we might start believing that all other time is wasted. Rather than this, let us widen our definition of intimacy.

(Calvin Miller in The Table of Inwardness, InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL. 1984.   pp. 97-98)